The Language of the Creator
Words and names have meaning and content that can only be properly known in the language in which they are given.
They should always be respected and used properly. All languages carry the identity, power and meaning of either Ahayah Achad or the Devil. All the names given to the creation before the fall carried the power and content of Ahayah. Names have both invisible and visible meaning.
Consequently, names cannot be changed or translated into other languages and retain their original meaning. Simple example: Ahayah (meaning, not merely “I am,” but rather, I am what no one else is, and I do what no one else does), is the Hebrew name of our Power. This has been translated as God in English. In the Senegalese Serer tribe, the same word is translated Rog, a Serer god. The name Ahayah is His Hebrew name, not God, not Rog. Most translations reflect this method of replacing Ahayah’s name with the name of their local demonic deity.
This clearly illustrates why THE ACHAD uses the original spelling and names. The meanings of many important words, principles and concepts have also lost the expression of their intent through translation.
While the language of Ahayah Achad has always been the Rawach, He originally used Hebrew as the physical and technical language of His means of creation, communication, revelation and expression. Every word Ahayah speaks is Rawach. Hebrew is the physical language He used to communicate to the whole Earth until Genesis 11. All the Earth took advantage of knowing and speaking only one language to rebel against Ahayah and build the tower of Babel to seek for man’s own glory. To block this plan, Ahayah confused the people by giving them 70 languages which caused them to divide and disperse throughout the Earth. Those rebellious men were already possessed by spirits that became their gods and continued to express themselves in those languages. (Deuteronomy 4:19) All the nations have their own god worshipped in their own language. (Jeremiah 2:11) Every word has its demonic meaning. For example, gospel is composed of two words, go + spell. The word in French is evangile, from evil + angel. Israel is composed of Is Ra El. Isis Ra and El are gods of Egypt, once the most powerful idolatrous nation on the Earth.
In those days, Ahayah Achad NEVER expressed Himself in any of those languages. Only in Hebrew.
When Ahayah called a man named Abraham, He continued to express, communicate and reveal Himself in the Hebrew language. Abraham is called a Hebrew in Genesis 14:13.
Abraham was promised a son, Yashaq/Isaac, who produced Yaqab/Jacob who brought forth the twelve sons who became Yashar’ahla/Israel. The Hebrew language is legitimately the language of the Hebrews, the chosen people of Ahayah. Ahayah continued to communicate in Hebrew until the coming of His Son, Yashaya, who spoke Hebrew His whole Life even up to His death on the tree.
The Hebrew language was also spoken by the disciples until the day of Pentecost when the Rawach came to give them His own utterance in all the languages of the Earth, thereby reconciling all the nations and their languages. This signaled that Ahayah would now reveal Himself by men through all languages, disqualifying Hebrew as His only language of communication. No language was sacred anymore. By the Rawach, all physical languages became a means of expressing the knowledge and Life of Ahayah. The disciples went to all nations preaching the Bashara Tawa. The death, burial and resurrection of Yashaya became the language of the Rawach.
The Hebrew language without the knowledge of the mystery and power of the death, burial and resurrection of Yashaya the is empty and equally demonic as all other languages. Calling on the names of Ahayah, Yashaya ha Mashayach, and Rawach ha Qadash without that knowledge is idolatry. It was Ahayah, Rawach speaking through Hebrew that gave it power and Life. After the coming of the Rawach, He now spoke in the death, burial and resurrection of the Ban/Son. Ahayah can never be heard outside of the BT.
The first community of believers lasted for about 300 years. Then came the Great Apostasy, the complete absence of the knowledge of Ahayah on the Earth. The Devil then took the Hebrew Tanakh and replaced the name of Ahayah with his own name. As the Tanakh was translated by Christianity into the languages of many nations, the names of the deities of those nations replaced the name of Ahayah. This Bible, which is the book of the apostasy, became the source of knowledge and inspiration of the Devil for the whole world.
For 18 centuries, there was no person with the Rawach, so there was no knowledge of Ahayah on the Earth until the return of the Ban Achad. Ahayah’s method of communicating is not a language or a book, but the Rawach in a person. No matter what language anyone is speaking, that language has no value, power and Life without the Rawach.
This explains why THE ACHAD insists on using the original names given by Ahayah.
Even those who are using the original name without the Rawach, are using it in vain. It is only in the death, burial and resurrection of the Ban Achad that the Rawach is expressing Himself now through any physical and technical language. This is how THE ACHAD is established on the Earth. Anyone believing in the death, burial and resurrection of the Ban Achad receives the Rawach through baptism and is thereby able to also make Him known in any language.
Words We Use
Some of the Names and Words Used by THE ACHAD to enable understanding of the teachings on this website:
Ahayah, means the only Life, the only being without beginning or end, wrongly replaced by LORD or God in English and Yahawah, Yahuwah, Jehovah, Yahweh…. in the Hebrew. This name was given directly by Ahayah Himself when Mashah/Moses asked for His name in Ex 3:14.
Ahba, a composed word made up of Ahlaph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (meaning first, head) and the second letter Bayath (meaning house.) Ah+ba means the head of the house or kingdom, weakly translated as Father in English
Ahlahayam, means the first, head, Powers, leaders, authorities… wrongly replaced from Genesis 1:1 and following by Elohim in the Hebrew Bible, Dei/Deus in the Latin Bible, Theos in the Greek Bible and God in the English Bible….
Ban, means the continuation of the Ahba, weakly translated as Son.
Bashara Tawa, means Good News, wrongly translated besorah tova in vocalized Hebrew, gospel in English and evangile in French. It’s true meaning is always the death, burial and resurrection of the Ban Achad (1 Corinthians 15:3,4).
Bayath, means family, community of believers
ha Mashayach, means the anointed. Translated incorrectly as Messiah, Christ in the English Bible.
Rawach ha Qadash, means the Breath of Life. Wrongly translated as Rouah ha Qodesh, and Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost.
Tanakh, composed of the Tara, Nabayam and Khatabayam (Law, Prophets, Psalms), wrongly called the Old Testament (Ta+na+kh)
Yahadah, correct Hebrew name for Judah
Yam, Hebrew word for day which derives from the Latin Dei, deity
Yarashalam, correct Hebrew name for Jerusalem
Yasha, means to save, Savior
Yashar’ahla, wrongly translated Israel, are the chosen people preordained to bring forth the promised Savior
Yashaya, means my Savior. Wrongly translated YEHOSHOUA, YESHOUA, IESHOUA, JOSHUA, JESUS…