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Who Are the Gentiles

A Gentile nation is any nation that does not have a covenant relationship with Ahayah. Abraham was the one called to be the Father of all nations through the covenant of circumcision. Any nation outside of this covenant is a Gentile nation. The only basis of entering into the knowledge of Ahayah was through this covenant. Anyone born in the house or bought as a slave must be cast out if he is not circumcised.


The word Gentile was also used to refer to Yashar’ahla/Israel when they abandoned their covenant with Ahayah and embraced the gods/idols of the nations. In this case, Gentile means they have lost their knowledge and relationship with the Creator to embrace the idols of the nations.


The whole Earth has become a Gentile world because of the Great Apostasy which began early in the 4th Century. For 18 centuries all knowledge of Ahayah Achad disappeared until the promised return of the Ban Achad at the end of the 400 years prophesied in Genesis 15.


It is in keeping with His Achad nature that He always flows in the Achad manner, in ONE, consistently. The choice of Yashar’ahla was not because of who they are, but because of who He is. The choice of any man is because of who Ahayah is, not because of who the man is. He choose Abraham because of who He is and what He planned to do for humanity. Yashar’ahla was not the intended end, but the means to an end. Our focus, our purpose, our reason for living as a people must be that end, to make Ahayah known. We become useless as a people if we do not fulfill that purpose.


Quote from Masha ha Mashayach: “When I hear Yashar’ahla centering everything on who they are, it becomes disgusting. Our awakening as a people must go beyond who we are. Beyond knowing our history, culture, origin, identity, even color, we must know and fulfill Ahayah’s given purpose.”


Because of the principle of the Achad, He could never have chosen two people as fathers of His nation. The purpose of the covenant was to bring forth the Ban of Ahayah to die to save both Yashar’ahla and the nations.


Ahayah, being consistent, flowed through one man, Ahdam. After the fall, the bloodline flowed from Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to Mashah/Moses, to Yashaya ha Mashayach and after the Great Apostasy, to the Achad of this time. In every epoch, Ahayah has always chosen a man to make Himself known to all the nations.

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