The Link Between The Great Apostasy And The 400 Years Prophecy
Gorée Island, Dakar, SENEGAL, was the last stop for slaves before passing through the the Door of No Return
The whole of scripture speaks of only one prophecy to be fulfilled in the two comings of the Savior, the Ban Achad, the only begotten son of Ahayah. The first coming was fulfilled more than 2000 years ago. The second coming flows from the first and is hidden in this one prophecy. It can never be known without full understanding of His first coming. The prophets spoke of both the first and second comings.
Now when they lived so wickedly before thee, thou didst choose thee a man from among them, whose name was Abraham. Him thou lovedst, and unto him only thou shewedst thy will: And madest an everlasting covenant with him, promising him that thou wouldest never forsake his seed. (2Es 3:13-15 KJV)
The prophecy in Genesis 15 was clearly spoken of in the Apocrypha in 2 Esdras 3:13-15. Esdras, speaking by the Rawach about the Genesis scripture, revealed that the prophecy was referring to THE END OF TIME, not a past event, such as the exodus from Egypt. It meant that the children of Abraham would experience a 400 year deportation to slavery to mark THE END OF TIME. The prophets spoke of the events that must take place before the end/the 400 years.
Any time the Ban speaks of His second coming, he describes events that must take place that have already been prophesied by the prophets. The 400 years will mark THE END OF TIME. The great Apostasy Yashaya ha Mashayach spoke of will take place before THE END OF TIME. Yashaya said that the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel will take place before THE END OF TIME. The trodding down of Yarashalam must take place before THE END OF TIME. The revelation of the man of sin will precede THE END OF TIME. The removal of the Rawach from the Earth must happen before THE END OF TIME.
As always, every prophesy is a person, the Ban Achad. At the end of the 400 years prophesy, Ahayah returned to the Earth in His Ban Achad to fulfil the second part of the prophesy and to END the Apostasy. He will execute the final judgement on the Devil, his angels and all who will follow him into eternal damnation. He will gather Yashar’ahla, His Bride, into the eternal reign of Ahayah Achad.
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