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The Great Apostasy-Christianity

Know, Yashar’ahla, Ahayah your Power is ACHAD/ONE. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 12:29)


Yashaya confirmed that this commandment, given by Mashah, is the first and most important of all.


Christianity came into existence in the 4th Century while the Achad has no beginning nor end.


Christianity is not Achad. It is a family of doctrines with more than 400,000 denominations that do not agree with each other, even within themselves. Outside of agreement is apostasy. That is what ensued as the first community of believers, never called Christians, eventually died or were martyred, and Rome took over. In spite of the claims of the Reformation, all Christian denominations have their source in Roman Catholicism.


Ahayah, Yashaya ha Mashayach and Rawach ha Qadash were given the Latin and Greek names of Roman and Greek deities. Many temples of their gods became churches led by their pagan priests. Doctrines were changed. Much of the Bible was corrupted.

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The tree upon which Yashaya died, called the cross in Christianity, is corrupted by pagan beliefs and traditions. Cultural practices such as Christmas and Easter celebrations, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Easter baskets…are all part of the Great Apostasy.

That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by Rawach, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of ha Mashayach is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called Ahayah, or that is worshipped; so that he as Ahayah sitteth in the temple of Ahayah, shewing himself that he is Ahayah. (2Thessalonians 2:2-4)


Paul wrote in response to the Thessalonians who feared that they had missed ha Mashayach’s second coming. He assured them that it would never happen before the total falling away from the true faith in Yashaya ha Mashayach’s death, burial and resurrection. Ahayah Achad would be replaced by His enemy, a counterfeit who would be worshiped as Ahayah.


Christians are still waiting and looking for the great falling away. They do not realize that THEY are the Great Apostasy. Christianity is the Great Apostasy.


For 1800 years, there was no believer, no presence of the Rawach on the Earth. No man knew Ahayah or heard His voice. The Earth was in total spiritual darkness. The Devil had free reign to deceive men and build his kingdom unopposed.


The Apostasy has ended. Ahayah has returned to the Earth in His Ban Achad, Masha ha Mashayach. He did not come in the air with angels as the Bible, the book of the apostasy, declares. He was born in a sinful human body. Through the power of the Rawach, He defeated the Devil and sin in His Life by living for 40 years by faith in the revelation of the death, burial and resurrection of Yashaya/the tree. This doctrine had been unknown for 18 centuries.


The Ban Achad has ended apostasy for the last time and defeated the Devil and sin in all who believe in Him. He has come to gather His people, Yashar’ahla, and to judge the Devil, his angels and all who chose to follow him.


Read about the link between the Great Apostasy and the 400 years prophesy below.


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