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Historical Locations

Everything must be known through the Achad. There are so many voices, so many views, but in all things, knowledge must flow from the Achad. THERE IS ONLY ONE VOICE. 


The Devil has fought the Achad in everything, including the locations that have marked the history and identity of His people. Since the fall of the Devil, he has been fighting the image and the likeness of Ahayah’s people on the Earth because they carry His knowledge and Life.


Though the origin, history, location, language, culture, identity and even knowledge of the skin color of Yashar’ahla have been completely obliterated on the Earth, Ahayah has decided to bring both the restoration of His knowledge and of His chosen people.


THE ACHAD has detailed teaching on each of the crucial subjects above, but this article will briefly touch on the true locations of the Garden of Eden, of Abraham’s journeys, of Canaan and of the identity of Yashar’ahla.


Genesis traces the family of Adam in Africa, the cradle of humanity. 


And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: (Gen 5:3) 


And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: (Gen 5:9) 


Seth, the son of Adam, was born in Africa. The Desert of Seth is shown to be located there on Emanuel Bowen’s map from 1747, shown below. His grandson Cainan, whose name also appears on the map carried on the bloodline through Noah to Yashaya.


Canaan was the land promised to Abraham. The location of this land is indisputably the location of Yashar’ahla.


The Bible, the Apocrypha, ancient maps and history show that Canaan was located in West and Central Africa extending to South Africa. 


There are many present-day locations that still have the names we know from the history of Yashar’ahla. Adamawa State in Nigeria is a composed name from Ahdam and Awa (Eve’s Hebrew name).


Today, people of West and Central Africa share the same DNA with most Africans who were captured for the slave trade and brought to the US. 


The bloodline from Ahdam to Abraham is the bloodline through which the Savior of the world would come.

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And the Ahayah planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Genesis 2:8


 And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the west of him for Put, and to the west of him [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan. Jubiliees 9:1


Genesis 2:8, 1:1, and Jubilees 9:1 state the location of Canaan as seen on the map above.

Map 2
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Negroland is seen clearly on this ancient map from 1747. The inhabitants of Negroland are the Hebrews. Widah (Yahadah/Judah), is still remaining in the location of Canaan from the southern Kingdom of Yashar’ahla. The Desert of Seth is shown to be in Nigeria (in small type under Biafra.) Tigra, the Tigris River, is shown in Ethiopia.


In the northeastern part of the map, on the Mediterranean coast of Arabia, we see evidence of settlements of the Northern Kingdom, the 10 tribes that left Canaan before the coming of Yashaya and were scattered throughout the world. They named many of their cities after the places they had left behind in Canaan. This was apparently a common practice for migrants and should not confuse the issue of the original location of Canaan. There is a spot in South Africa also called Canaan. Migrants from the original Canaan took their name with them and spread the territory. This pattern is often followed today as can be seen in many American cities named after those who founded them or after people/places admired by their citizens. For instance, New York was originally called New Amsterdam because its first settlers came from Holland. There are more than 20 US cities named Paris and up to 18 named Rome. It would be foolish to confuse them with Italy and France.  As the first British settlers in Virginia moved west, they all took their nationality, which would eventually become the United States of America, with them. It is the same pattern seen throughout Africa.

Map 3. Ancient map of southern West Africa coastline. Juda is clearly marked:
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Map 4: Part of an Ancient map of West Africa:
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The position of Canaan, the Promised Land, is shown above in the first map. Once the location of Canaan is known, the twelve tribes, made up of the two kingdoms of Yashar’ahla will be there. On this small portion of an ancient map of present-day Benin, some important cities are seen: Hebron, Bethany, Beersheba, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and others. The tribes of Juda/Yahadah, Benjamin, Simeon and Dan are also seen.


After colonization, all but a few of these names were removed from maps and replaced with modern names. The city of Ouida, known to be originally Yahadah/Judah, still remains in Benin. The colonizers of Africa who removed the Hebrew names, knew the location of the migration of the northern kingdom and used it to be the place of their new “Israel,” substituting for the true location of Canaan in West and Central Africa.

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